DISTRIBUTION (scroll down for past issues)
Staff at USB headquarters will issue free USB newsletters by e-mail to anyone who wishes to subscribe.
The newsletters will comment on progress made by the USB, its teachings, issues raised in correspondence with headquarters, reports from USB groups, and the like. Presently we try to issue them quarterly. We expect their frequency will increase as USB activities increase.
Please use the following form to subscribe to the free USB eNewsletter (eNL). Items marked with * are required. The USB will not sell your personal information or share it without your permission.
You can unsubscribe on the newsletters themselves, or you can e-mail USB headquarters via Contact Us, mentioning Newletters Unsubscribe in the subject line.
To read recent or past newsletters, please select from the following list.
eNL# | Issue Date | Major Topics |
01 | July 2015 | Book release, spirit inspirers, principles & purposes, website, members etc., groups, activities, plans. |
02 | Nov. 2015 | Developments, Spiritual Light perspective and importance, finances, informal groups, Qs and As. |
03 | Mar. 2016 | Developments, on inspiration, group reports, the spirit world, why two book versions?, Qs and As. |
04 | July 2016 | Developments, USB’s mission, group reports, greatest gift, ourselves, beliefs, a prayer, Qs and As. |
05 | Oct. 2016 | Developments, love and truth, a smorgasbord, group reports, USB is different, help?, Qs and As. |
06 | Jan. 2017 | Developments, group reports, realities, our mission, God’s children, afterlife info., pets, Qs and As. |
07 | Apr. 2017 | Group reports, developments, wisdom sources, Silver Birch, consciousness, John’s beliefs, Qs and As. |
08 | July 2017 | Videos, group reports, integrity, movies, actions, lessons, humor, a ‘ladder,’ interests, Qs and As. |
09 | Oct. 2017 | Group reports, developments, Michael’s corner, our gratitude, memento mori, Qs and As. |
10 | Jan. 2018 | Events, group reports, lessons of earth, Michael’s corner, being bodiless, USB’s American medium. |
11 | Apr. 2018 | Our source, ways to share, audio recordings, movies, security, mediums and groups, membership. |
12 | Aug. 2018 | Newsletter production, USB happenings, USB a cult?, movies, Amazon Smile, importance of humor. |
13 | Nov. 2018 | An aviation ghost, spirit help, from Australia, gift time, mediumship at the UN, financial support. |
14 | Feb. 2019 | USB encounters, notable dates, Lincoln speaks to Michael, spirit communication, pillars of the USB. |
15 | May 2019 | A member’s trip, about animals’ souls, on spiritual truth, “Nobody Dies” song, the USB leaflet. |
16 | Aug. 2019 | Greta Thunberg, cycles, afterlife studies and the true purpose of life, Michael’s corner, spirituality. |
17 | Nov. 2019 | Group reports, anniversaries, importance of mediumship, progress, canoeists, the highest, holidays. |
18 | Feb. 2020 | Magnificent blessings, spirituality and morality, historical articles, other languages, sharing talents. |
19 | May 2020 | Group reports, from and to, am I a spiritualist?, adversity and spiritual growth, a Silver Birch prayer. |
20 | Aug. 2020 | Recent developments, the ways and “the way,” Michael’s corner, on humility, closing inspiration. |
21 | Nov. 2020 | Celebrating anniversaries, recent developments, spirituality and nobler politics, holidays, courage. |
22 | Feb. 2021 | Optimism/despair, sharing wisdom, “Surviving Death,” ways of progression, a message of cheer. |
23 | May 2021 | Significance of dreams, the USB’s uniqueness, the spirit world, a personal reflection, poem on Truth. |
24 | Aug. 2021 | Social disruption, high spirituality, Afterlife Reports, a personal reflection, golden rule, USB website. |
25 | Nov. 2021 | Keeping centered, “gems,” Afterlife Reports, survival-communication implications, lighting the way. |
26 | Feb. 2022 | A life path, difficult times, spirit technology, karma and hacking, Afterlife Reports, power of thought. |
27 | May 2022 | A virtual tour, energy in spirit communication, materialism, rising above wars, Afterlife Reports. |
28 | Aug. 2022 | USB principles, purposes, Great Souls, acronym, not a cult, Afterlife Reports, guide High Mountain. |
29 | Nov. 2022 | Teachings for you? Michael? Spirit comm. & rescue, important knowledge, past-future, USB support. |
30 | Feb. 2023 | Encouragement, blind spirits?, capital punishment, concern for others, Afterlife Reports, help USB? |
31 | May 2023 | Tuning in, comforting thoughts, spirit “levels,” spiritually OK?, Afterlife Reports, a space symphony? |
32 | Aug 2023 | UFOs-afterlife, confirming comm., spirit gender, story-different light, Afterlife Reports, eternal life. |
33 | Nov 2023 | Leaders news, prayer power, ADC bird story, Afterlife Reports, holidays-not alone, SL-timeless gift. |
34 | Feb 2024 | Two worlds-the difference, UFOs and spirits, freedom, Afterlife Reports, noble souls, noble words. |
35 | May 2024 | USB Reliability?, truth and Truth, Law uniting humanity, Afterlife Reports, Inspirations. |
36 | Aug 2024 | Direct Spirit Communication, Our Challenging World, Afterlife Reports, USB Perspectives on Love. |
37 | Nov 2024 | Rescue Circles, SL Gems, Afterlife Reports, Kindness, Illumined Soul message and wishes for 2025. |
38 | Feb 2025 | Red Cloud Speaks, Evidence of Survival, Integrity at the Root of Noble Character, Afterlife Reports. |