“Spiritual Light”: Chapters, Appendices, Index
Chapter 1. The Universal Spiritual Brother&Sisterhood 21 (complete)
Origins, values, outlook
Chapter 2.Teachings and Reason39
Teachings of the new age, thought, reason
Chapter 3.Truth49
The nature of truth, searching for truth, spreading truth
Chapter 4. The Laws That Govern73 (condensed)
On laws, responsibility, service, justice, love, attraction, life
Chapter 5.Love85
God, love, service, prayer
Chapter 6.The Individual107
Characteristics, knowledge and understanding, medical aspects
Chapter 7.Personal Responsibility and Behavior123
Will, personal responsibility, integrity and standards, attitudes, behavior, right living, directing our efforts,
personal progress
Chapter 8.Our World191
This material world, humans, these times, good and bad, crime, leadership and example, freedom, challenges
Chapter 9.Everyday Life251
Relationships, family, health, sleep, time and cycles, sound and color
Chapter 10.The Divining Arts285
Prediction, astrology, palmistry, phrenology, psychometry, hypnosis
Chapter 11.Phenomena315
Types and methods of unorthodox healing, about healers, materialization and plasms, other phenomena,
psychic experiences
Chapter 12.Survival and Communication365
Survival, mediums, mediumship, spirit guides and friends, communication, home circles
Chapter 13.Spirit Life421
The spirit world, our spirit makeup, spirit existence, living in the spirit world
Chapter 14.Spiritual Progress467
Spirituality, challenges, responsibilities, forgiveness, enlightenment, the path, the USB view
Appendix A.Addresses by Illumined Souls495
Appendix B.Error and Misteachings505
Appendix C.Reincarnation533
Appendix D. Operation of the USB537
Appendix E.The USB Leaflet557
Appendix F. Glossary565
Index 573