Table of Contents
Page numbers are per the paperback edition.
Links are to full or partial text under Bookstore/Spiritual Light/Front Pages and Chapters, etc.
About the Contributorsxiii
How to Use This Bookxv
Greetings from an Illumined Soul13
An Offer and a Call15
Chapter 1.The Universal Spiritual Brother&Sisterhood21
Origins, values, outlook
Chapter 2.Teachings and Reason39
Teachings of the new age, thought, reason
Chapter 3.Truth49
The nature of truth, searching for truth, spreading truth
Chapter 4.The Laws That Govern73
On laws, responsibility, service, justice, love, attraction, life
Chapter 5.Love85
God, love, service, prayer
Chapter 6.The Individual107
Characteristics, knowledge and understanding, medical aspects
Chapter 7.Personal Responsibility and Behavior123
Will, personal responsibility, integrity and standards, attitudes, behavior, right living, directing our efforts,
personal progress
Chapter 8.Our World191
This material world, humans, these times, good and bad, crime, leadership and example, freedom, challenges
Chapter 9.Everyday Life251
Relationships, family, health, sleep, time and cycles, sound and color
Chapter 10.The Divining Arts285
Prediction, astrology, palmistry, phrenology, psychometry, hypnosis
Chapter 11.Phenomena315
Types and methods of unorthodox healing, about healers, materialization and plasms, other phenomena,
psychic experiences
Chapter 12.Survival and Communication365
Survival, mediums, mediumship, spirit guides and friends, communication, home circles
Chapter 13.Spirit Life421
The spirit world, our spirit makeup, spirit existence, living in the spirit world
Chapter 14.Spiritual Progress467
Spirituality, challenges, responsibilities, forgiveness, enlightenment, the path, the USB view
A.Addresses by Illumined Souls495
B.Error and Misteachings505
D.Operation of the USB537
E.The USB Leaflet557
F. Glossary565
About the Contributors
Spirit inspirers who have given, discussed, and reviewed the material in this book, and otherwise directed its development, include over a dozen Illumined Souls and Blessed Souls (see Glossary), many of whom are “of the highest [spiritual] attainment,” and some of whom are today still revered by hundreds of millions of people on earth. Those Illumined and Blessed Souls were from time to time assisted by a number of other spirit inspirers. They asked us to not give any recognizable inspirer’s name in this book, for reasons explained in the Introduction (paragraph 39).
Michael Flagg (1903–1992) was born in Shanghai, China into an English merchant family. He entered the U.S.A. in 1926 and worked as a freelance writer-researcher. He served in the US Army from 1942 to 1946 and thereafter resided in California. He was the editor of an industrial safety magazine, and he wrote speeches for government officials. Michael became interested in the spirit side of life in 1951–1952 and through top-class mediumship in England in 1956 he learned of his important mission (see Preface). Under spirit direction he founded the USB on earth in December 1956, and led it for the rest of his life. From 1956 to 1982 Michael received material for, prepared, and distributed 93 USB newsletters. From 1979 he began compiling them into topics for this book.
John Finnemore (1937– ) was born in London, England, grew up in Hertfordshire, and became a civil engineer. He immigrated to Canada in 1962 and entered the U.S.A. in 1965 to attend graduate school at Stanford University. After a subsequent year teaching overseas he settled in California, performing research in water resources and environmental protection. Since 1979 he has been a professor of civil engineering, publishing research articles and coauthoring three editions of a classic textbook on fluid mechanics. John became interested in the spirit world and higher spiritual teachings as a teenager. He discovered the USB in 1959 and first met Michael Flagg in the mid-1960s. At Michael’s request, John organized and edited the USB topics into book form after Michael’s return to spirit life.
A group of beings of extraordinary spiritual elevation and wisdom, including many of the greatest spiritual teachers of all time, have striven to find the way to directly share with us on earth their knowledge and the spiritual principles they teach today. (By “spiritual” we mean having high and noble qualities of spirit.)
Overcoming tremendous difficulties and with the utmost patience, these great souls gave us their united teachings to record in this book so that all who wish to can learn their highest spiritual philosophy. The result reveals great beauty and wisdom—much needed in these times. It is a truly wonderful gift.
The Undertaking
Michael Flagg discovered his life’s mission in the mid-1950s. It was to help great souls deliver high spiritual teachings and truths to us on earth. Living in San Francisco, Michael was contacted from the spirit realms by leaders of The Universal Spiritual Brotherhood (USB), which has served humanity for many ages. These leaders are beings of extraordinary spiritual elevation and wisdom, who are surrounded by incredible love, auras, and bright light, so that they have often been described as “Beings of Light.” We call them Illumined Souls. One such being describes them as “of the highest [spiritual] attainment,” which suggests that they are the most like God of all humankind. These USB leaders include many of the greatest enlightened spiritual teachers of the past, many of whose teachings led to great world religions. Some of them, after their lives on earth, have become deified. But they do not promote a religion; they accept truth wherever it is found. They also include some of the most spiritual and wise spirit guides of the 19th and 20th centuries. As Michael describes in his Preface, these Illumined Souls regularly communicated with him for many years through exceptional mediums.
For readers who cannot wait to read what the Illumined Souls say about God, let me briefly mention that they recognize and worship only the one God. They refer to God as a God of Love and Wisdom, Law and Justice, and That Which Is All-Good; as the Creator, the Most High, and the Supreme Power. They say that God is unknowable, indescribable, eternal, and illimitable, noting that each of us has our own conception of God. They teach that every human being has a spark of God, linking us all with one another and with God. And it is clear that God’s power and the workings of God’s Laws are far more apparent to those in the spirit realms than they are to us on earth.
It is not necessary to believe in an afterlife or in the source of these teachings to benefit greatly from them. If your reason embraces them and your inner being senses them to be true, it is enough to realize that we are all God’s children and therefore all spiritual sisters and brothers. If your heart reaches out towards these teachings we hope you will desire to put into effect those that strike a responsive chord within you and that you will help spread them for the benefit of others, sharing all that has moved or enlightened you. While one should certainly seek truth wherever one can, my own lifetime’s search has led me to determine that these USB teachings from Illumined Souls have provided a far better guide for living than any others I have found.
For perspective on the USB’s various teachings, please note that its most important concerns are for the development of character and spirituality and for knowledge about spiritual truth including the spiritual laws that govern everything. Only these can unite humanity in love and service, and help make life on earth truly enjoyable and satisfying for all.
. . . . . .
Illumined Souls teach us that the human race on earth is but a small part of a vast population of spirit beings belonging to this planet. We all continually evolve in consciousness and spirituality as a result of our individual actions and learning. As spirit beings become more advanced they inhabit more refined or higher spirit realms. Their most progressed leaders, out of love, desire to help their earthly brothers and sisters facing earth’s unique challenges. Their teachings in this book will help us to take those challenges in stride, progress up the scale to higher spiritual consciousness, discover their loving assistance, avert massive disasters, enhance life on earth, avoid the misery and havoc we create, spread love, and embrace all our brothers and sisters on this journey with understanding, tolerance, and compassion. By doing these things and understanding these teachings all will be enriched, both givers and receivers, and we will better prepare ourselves for our return to the spirit world and a truly joyful life of progress there.
Of the vast population in the spirit realms, a small fraction is not spiritually aware. And some of those are are undesirables, either mischievous or malevolent. So teachings from less advanced or earth-bound sources are questionable. Moreover, teachings of the more spiritually advanced, even if well intentioned, often contain personal biases and errors. Teachings from the highest level of spiritual attainment, like these we present from the USB, are rare and of unusual quality.
. . . . . .
From my many discussions with Michael while working with him on this project and from the recordings and transcripts of his sittings in 1956–1957 with mediums in England, I gathered he is a leading worker for the USB in the spirit world. I also learned that, because of the differences between earthly and spirit life and the remote, elevated level of his spirit inspirers, Michael’s job as receiver of the teachings was to present them for today’s ways of thinking on earth.
To facilitate this, in 1956 at the instigation of the Illumined Souls, Michael founded The Universal Spiritual Brotherhood (USB) on earth, a counterpart patterned and named after the organization in the spirit world; he registered it as a nonprofit organization. Open to all, it is devoted to teaching spiritual truth; it is not a religion, cult, or sect. During his life Michael dedicated himself to distributing its teachings. People who wished to could be part of the USB movement for free. Later, to be inclusive of all and to follow current gender-neutral practice, the USB on earth was renamed The Universal Spiritual Brother&Sisterhood.
Of course, some religious traditions believe it is dangerous to contact spirit people. (Good people and “bad” people remain much the same when they pass on to spirit life.) Although the USB does teach about such dangers and how to protect against them, anyone can study, without risk, the teachings that noble and illumined spirit beings (Illumined Souls) have gifted to us.
It is our hope that readers who are stirred by these writings and the love that inspired them will feel the desire to join some or many of the activities suggested and so strengthen this movement to make the world a far better place for all.
A small fraction of humanity presently considers the pursuit and practice of highest spiritual philosophy to be of great importance. For such people this volume has been compiled; those seeking spiritually something more; those wanting to glimpse the love, beauty, and grandeur of the higher spirit realms; those interested in improving our world spiritually; those wishing to add a universal spiritual dimension to international friendship; and those hungry for advanced spiritual teachings from the highest levels. Because these teachings are universal, they apply to everyone. All who value them will try to make them available to seekers.
The Writing
For 24 years after founding the USB, Michael compiled and published the USB teachings he received in quarterly worldwide Letters. Let me comment a little on his writing.
Michael’s writing blended at least three different types of material: (1) direct and indirect quotes of USB spirit leaders, received through exceptional mediumship; (2) write-ups of topics that Michael had discussed directly with Illumined Souls through the same mediumship; and (3) write-ups of topics, poems, and songs received by Michael through inspiration. His own expression appeared in the second and third types.
His wording may not always have been the first choice of Illumined Souls. Yet USB spirit leaders carefully reviewed and approved the Letters before their release. If their views differed, they tended to defer to Michael because of his familiarity with conditions on earth. Although Michael is a leading worker for the USB in the spirit realms, like everyone else on earth he was strongly affected by living here, enhancing different viewpoints.
I believe Michael’s inability to complete this book of teachings during his life was part of a greater plan to allow him to see them from both points of view, on earth, and from the spirit world, enabling him to consider refinements he might not have understood before his return to spirit life. In any case, we should accept only what strikes a responsive chord within us and we need not accept all to align ourselves with the USB. Readers and students can concentrate on those teachings that appeal to and are acceptable, to them.
After drafting each Letter, Michael checked it with spirit leaders of the USB, often on a word-for-word basis. He did this through deep-trance (direct voice) mediumship. After 1959 an American medium, who later became Michael’s wife, provided most of the needed mediumship. She was an exceptional combination of a highly skilled medium and a very spiritual person. From 1958 to 1982 Michael distributed Letters numbered 1–93 free to people who requested them.
The Book
In 1979 I began to meet regularly with Michael in San Francisco to help him compile the teachings from the Letters into self-contained topics suitable for inclusion in a book he referred to as the “Golden Book.” First Michael combined and edited similar topics, making minor changes for additional clarity as a result of discussions with Illumined Souls. Next Michael’s wife reviewed the topics with him. Then I reviewed the result, and discussed any questions I had with Michael. If necessary, Michael asked spirit leaders about questions that arose. Once the topics had been largely compiled, but not yet assembled into any kind of appropriate sequence, Michael developed a health condition that prevented him from working. He asked me for a commitment to complete the project; I agreed. It was Michael’s deep wish to see the teachings published in a single volume during his lifetime. He hoped to recover but it was not to be. In early 1992 Michael returned to spirit life and I inherited all the materials.
I have no academic training in philosophy or spirituality, although subjects relating to the spirit world and higher spiritual teachings have been my life’s avocation. Instead, my training is in civil engineering (a particularly down-to-earth profession, requiring logic, accuracy, and responsibility), in which I performed research for 35 years and about which I taught and coauthored textbooks for over 20 years. I hope the professional skills I acquired there have benefited this effort.
I had many concerns regarding my responsibilities with this book. I had to make many decisions without the benefit of Michael’s direct communication with USB spirit leaders. I searched for a medium like Michael used but without success. At least two different clairvoyants said I must do the editing by myself, that the manuscripts would not have come to me unless they were meant to, and that I could change the presentation to make it right for the times as long as the overall message was the same. I have tried to err on the side of caution since changes in presentation sometimes imply changes in the message. Michael briefly communicated with excellent evidence of his identity, providing great encouragement, but he seemed to be avoiding questions while I was editing. So as best as I could, I followed content and editing guidelines Michael left for me.
Later, in January 2011, I did have an exciting communication. While talking by phone with my sister, a medium, about mundane matters, she suddenly interrupted and said, “my voice is going squeaky, which means a spirit friend is drawing near.” Immediately, a strong, deeper-pitched male voice spoke through her, saying “I want to speak to John.” After I welcomed him he mentioned some of my spirit loved ones who were present, including some who had been dedicated to the USB while on earth. He said he had come to bring me the thanks of many, many spirit souls for my dedication to the book I was working on. I thanked him for his encouragement and said I felt guilty about how long it was taking because I wanted to be careful and thorough. He responded that many have been trying to help and influence me with my editing work and now they were laughing because on occasions they had to work with me on a certain point numerous times before I got it right. Although I had never been aware of their influence, I agreed I had sometimes come back to a topic three or four times before I was satisfied. He also said I was chosen for this work because they knew I “look into things” carefully. He then soon had to leave, but did mention that on earth he “walked in the snow” and had been an Inuit. After he had withdrawn I discussed events with my sister. Living in Spain, she did not know the details of my editing in California and as she pointed out she certainly had not known about my repeated corrections. So his mention of them was good evidence of spirit help.
. . . . . .
Each numbered topic in this volume is complete in itself although the student of these teachings will soon find connections between them. I reorganized a few topics and arranged the resulting 511 topics into Chapters 1–14 and Appendices A, B, and D, ordering them on the basis of the subject matter and precedence.
I have carefully avoided blending any teachings or ideas of my own into Michael’s material; and I have clearly indicated additional material I prepared. In a few cases where I felt it helpful I have created new topics by collecting together material extracted only from the USB Letters, an early USB booklet, and from other topics in this book.
I have been asked why I included teachings that are not new to humanity. I did this because Illumined Souls wished it. It shows which of the previously known teachings they approve of.
Since 1956–1982, when Michael received most of the USB teachings, the world has changed considerably. With the ending of the cold war and with liberal democracies outnumbering dictatorships for the first time, I found it appropriate to edit material relating to those earlier times and having little relevance now. In addition, traditional scientists have since made a number of discoveries, particularly in physics, that support or seem to support metaphysical and spirit teachings; they are often referred to as “New Physics.” I have mentioned in my footnotes some interesting examples that relate to USB teachings.
About three weeks before he passed on Michael said “we have to add” a paragraph about reincarnation to the introduction or preface, explaining why the USB accepts it. I have not found a draft by Michael of such a paragraph. So I am mentioning it here and I have addressed reincarnation further in Appendix C.
Michael wanted the word “Light” in the title, to indicate the enlightenment shared by our Illumined Inspirers. I adopted Spiritual Light, to try to capture this book’s essence. And because our Inspirers said the USB colors are blue and gold I have used them on the cover.
Because Illumined Souls initiated this project and they were the primary source of the material in this book (see below), I chose to not put Michael’s and/or my name on the cover; our individual contributions are explained above. Spiritual Light contains the only complete official teachings of The Universal Spiritual Brother&Sisterhood (USB).
The Source
Since it was the illumined spirit leaders of the USB who made this book possible, let me speak briefly about them. But first, let us keep in mind that all high spiritual teachings given to humanity on earth have come through mediumship, albeit in different forms, some through the lives of great spiritual teachers who were also mediums, and others through direct voice mediumship, clairvoyance, automatic writing, inspiration, and the like. And let us also not forget that all mediums are human.
It was the USB spirit leaders, not Michael, who selected the direct voice mediums through whom they would communicate, mediums truly exceptional in their combinations of skills and spirituality and who desired to serve at the highest levels. (Nowadays it is hard to find any true direct voice mediums.) Through more than 300 sittings with these mediums over a period of thirty years, our spirit communicators became well known to Michael, and later known to me; USB records suggest there were many more than 300 sittings with spirit leaders during 1956–1986. Each sitting typically lasted about 45 minutes. Over 50 different spirit speakers came through, supportive of the USB and Michael’s work with it. Some of the USB leaders and inspirers returned in many dozens of different sittings; the pre-eminent leader returned for over 140 sittings that I know of. A few of the foremost leaders spoke to Michael through two, three, and even four different mediums, thus confirming their identities and providing evidence of their independence through numerous so-called cross correspondences. Activities at these sittings included presentations of teachings by USB leaders and inspirers, many interactive discussions with Michael of philosophy and teachings, occasional personal discussions, visits by well-known spiritual and philosophical figures of past times on earth, and reviews of proposed USB Letters.
Throughout all those sittings and years these USB spirit leaders always maintained their highest standards. The love they conveyed is undeniable. They always treated us and their students and readers with the greatest respect. They were humble, attaching little importance to themselves and their former lives on earth. They repeatedly emphasized that no one should accept their (or anyone’s) teachings and philosophy unthinkingly and they strongly advocated the use of reason to assess all teachings. They did not claim any monopoly of light and clearly stated that they are not perfect. They never commanded or required us to do anything, nor did they threaten in any way. They never insisted that we take their advice; they only asked us to consider it. They answered hundreds (thousands?) of questions to the best of their abilities, stating clearly when they did not know the answers–such as how and when human spirits were created. Their messages throughout were consistent, sincere, and serious. Their teachings are of a high moral standard, and contain no statements that are outrageous, flippant, or (to our knowledge) false. They stressed the need to present teachings simply, clearly, and accurately. Their teachings were not just dictated once, in their own words in final form; instead they were discussed, revised, and polished in cooperation with Michael through multiple reviews and revisions. They taught that no prediction is infallible, that each of us is our own personal savior, and that love is the greatest basis of spiritual life. And they emphasized that “in all things we do, there is no cause greater than Truth.” Such teachings, and many, many more, comprise this book.
I do not consider any of the illumined leaders’ teachings or statements to be extravagant. Certainly they are not unsupported, because we have many records of Michael’s discussions with USB leaders, including transcripts and tape recordings. Nevertheless, we must question whether those teachers are in fact many of the leading spiritual figures of history that they claim to be. We can best explore this and assess their motives by considering the teachings they have given us—this is what they advise. I cannot see how they are trying to “get” anything from us, other than a spirit of cooperation that benefits humanity. They are only offering humanity guidance, knowledge, and inspiration. Their teachings certainly include much enlightenment and many “nuggets.”
If these spirit teachers were deceptive or evil, as some believe most spirit beings to be, how could they achieve their insidious objectives with the behavior and teachings described two paragraphs above and in the remainder of this book, particularly when they repeatedly advise us to not accept anything on their authority alone, “to partake only of what pleases us,” and “to accept only what our reason and inner self unreservedly embraces”?
This volume of teachings has only the highest motivation, which is to teach the purest possible spiritual truth. The purpose of these teachings is “to uplift [and spiritualize] humanity, to awaken all people to the spiritual realities of life and to the [spark of] God within them,” that will, in time, unite humanity.
My familiarity with the contents of these teachings and the circumstances of their delivery lead me to conclude that this book is the result of a rare historical event in which exceptionally illumined cooperating spirit teachers have delivered the essence of their wisdom to humanity on earth. As some topics explain, re-delivery of such teachings has been necessary from time to time because they have become distorted and disfigured over time, for various reasons, and because the presentation may need to be changed to best suit the times.
An important feature of the teachings in this book is that, rather than coming from one teacher, or from various individual teachers, they are the collective work of many great spiritual teachers (over a dozen to my knowledge) in agreement. These include many of the greatest that humanity has known, those even wiser and more enlightened now than when they lived on earth. They do not represent any particular religion. Their teachings include quite a few on contemporary and modern issues which earlier spiritual teachings do not address. So while these teachings are an updated presentation of spiritual truth, I believe they are far superior to most provided by single teachers. Based on my own extensive investigations, I conclude there is no higher credible authority and source of such teachings accessible to humanity on earth. These important features, combined with the highest motivation, make this book of spiritual teachings truly unique.
A number of reviewers have commented on similarities between some of the USB teachings and those in the major religions. We should expect similarities, because these teachings are given by many of their former teachers. But these teachings now come directly and purely, presented for our times, and from the entire leadership in accord rather than from an individual teacher.
These enlightened spirit teachers, many well-known for their spirituality and spiritual teachings, asked us to not identify them in this book; some of them have assumed humble names to cloak their identities. They did so because they wish to avoid wrong impressions and controversies where teachings have been incorrectly attributed to them, or because they have over time changed their understanding, or because people associate them with religions they did not establish. But the main reason they give is their desire for people to accept teachings that resonate well with them, rather than because of the “names” of those who presented the teachings. They stress that what they teach is more important than the identity of the teachers.
Although the stated source of these teachings is extraordinary, and even incredible to some, it is their content that is the most important, particularly their uplifting and inspiring nature.
The delivery of this body of teachings was clearly a major project and a work of love for the individuals involved. The difficulties for such advanced souls to communicate with us directly and specifically are far greater than we can imagine. Many made major commitments to serve in various capacities. The recordings and transcripts of early conversations between spirit leaders and Michael contain repeated references to “this mission.”
The amount of service on both sides of life involved in a project of this scope is extraordinary. This, and the absence of material benefit accruing to the people involved, is important to bear in mind when considering the motives for this work. During Michael’s lifetime he was by far the USB’s major financial contributor. May all of us who benefit from these teachings remember and appreciate the contributions of so many.
A Reminder
Michael specifically asked me to end these preliminary remarks with the constant reminder of our Illumined Inspirers, to not accept anything unthinkingly from anyone, themselves included.
John Finnemore
Cupertino, California, June 2014
by the founder of the USB on earth
This volume contains teachings and philosophy of The Universal Spiritual Brother&Sisterhood (USB)—teachings and philosophy for the new age we are in. As it is a claim that many organizations have made in the past, that many make today, and that many undoubtedly will make in the future, we present the basis for our claim.
Teachings are more important than the teacher, the USB holds. But the teacher is important, too; for if the teacher is endorsed by individuals that are known to be respected and esteemed, many are much more likely to at least examine those teachings. For this reason I go back more than two decades to communications received through two exceptional mediums known to thousands for the high quality of their mediumship.
I have nothing to promote for myself. I expect to rejoin loved ones on the other side of life before long, perhaps before this volume is completed, in which case others will finish compiling what the USB’s quarterly worldwide Letters have shared with its followers for more than twenty years.
There is nothing I want from the world, much that I wish for it: awareness, or greater awareness, of The [Spiritual] Laws That Govern, and of the Love, Wisdom, Goodness, Law and Order, Justice, and Compassion that are expressed by that Being or Force or Power that we and many others call God.
This volume presents a multitude of truths shared by beings of extraordinary spiritual elevation; a few of those beings, under more than one name, have been revered by hundreds of millions of people over the centuries.
I neither expect nor desire anyone to accept these statements on my mere say-so. That is why I give chapter and verse, so to speak, of some private sittings with mediums in England in 1956 and 1957, when I was fortunate and blessed to receive an overwhelming flood of spirit testimony to the mission of the USB and to the almost incredible spiritual stature of its Illumined Inspirers.
The identities of those mediums, and of [some] other unnamed individuals in this preface, are on file at USB headquarters in California, and are available to individual inquirers.1
All except the first two sittings with one medium were tape recorded. And what the distinguished guide of another said to me was taken down in longhand notes by the medium’s daughter and then typed. The tapes and transcripts are also in the USB files.
It was through the two English mediums, whom I shall refer to as A and B, that most of the USB’s aims, plans, and principles were given or approved. It was through the deep-trance mediumship of my beloved wife that most of the teachings and philosophy have come.
. . . . . .
At my sittings with A, a famous social reformer and head of state was among the first to pledge his support to The Brother&Sisterhood, a support he has since renewed on more than one occasion.
Others included an eminent spiritual leader and an illustrious philosopher, both of their own accord acknowledging changes in some of the views they once held.
On October 17, 1956, the spiritual leader vowed that he and others would be with “the great and glorious work” that was about to begin, and that they would be “behind every path, every step of the way.” He declared:
There are thousands of souls on this [spirit] side who are anxiously awaiting their opportunity to make themselves known to your world, and to cooperate and work with you, and through you and others. It is an immense thing. This is an organization that is founded on this side, and you are going to be the instigator on your side. You are an instrument for this work, from this side, and we shall do everything in our power to bring it into being, through you and others with you…
It wasn’t just by mere coincidence that you came to England. It wasn’t mere coincidence that you came to London, that you came here, and that you went to B. All that was planned and arranged some years ago, in America, for you…
The organization would be a great and glorious thing, he said.
But we realize it’s going to take time. But we know that you have the power to do it. You’re the right man. After all, you’ve been prepared for this work for some years. In fact I would go as far as to say you’ve been prepared for it through centuries of time, by various lives and incarnations and development of the soul. And you’re back in this earth world now, waiting to commence this great work.
On the following day—October 18, 1956—one of A’s guides, speaking for many in attendance from the spirit side of life, said that the organization [the USB] would be
… a continuation of a much older one that you formed centuries ago, which was lost to the world through people’s ignorance.
Two days later, another member of A’s spirit band [of co-workers] had this to say:
I am quite frankly amazed at the link that exists between you and certain souls here… I’m sure that with the links that you have with the wonderful entities and souls from our world, you are going to do tremendous work for humanity…
On December 12, 1957, the illustrious philosopher spoke to me. I can reproduce his words, but not his accent.
You have been blessed! Though you may not have much in the way of the goods of the world, you have inherited a great inheritance of spirit, and you have been given a great strength in a realization which will assist you always, and bring you out of the darkness in your world into great illumination of spirit… My friend, it is for me the greatest of pleasure to come to one who is prepared to serve God and to work for God’s children. For me, that is a joy.
At the same sitting, a Blessed One had this, among other things, to say:
Of course many of our plans, my son, cannot obviously be brought into being perhaps even in your lifetime. For you have been chosen to plant the seed, and others will come and help you to nurture that seed; and though you will see the blossoming forth, remember, my son, you may not see all in your lifetime. But from this side of life, when your work and task is finished, you will be able to join us on this side, and work with us from this side to help humanity on earth.
It is a great and glorious task which you have undertaken, and I know that you cannot fail, for it is a task that has been given to you to do by [according to the plan of] The Most High. And we who come, who are but God’s ministering ones, join in love and in harmony and in peace with you, that we might bring realization to those who will listen to our words…
. . . . . .
The sittings with B perfectly complemented and corroborated the sittings with A. B’s distinguished guide said much that was enormously encouraging and significant.
On October 3, 1956:
I have met you before. I know you much better than you know me… I am happy to come to you. I would not let you go away without talking to you…
On October 8, 1956:
You have been chosen to help humanity out of this darkened state… If we can strengthen and help you, that is our mission. That is why I myself come to talk to you; I do not come to all…
On October 18, 1956:
You were in the 2,000 year cycle which is coming to fruition at the end of the 2,000 years. You were with us at that period. You walked with us by the Sea of Galilee. I knew you in Jerusalem. That was the last time I met you in the planetary life of dreams,2 and it is now coming back into that cycle and you had to meet me…3
On October 23, 1956:
Be of good cheer. With every step you go forward, I and the glorious Band go forward with you; every step you fall back, we fall back with you. Your joys are our joys; your sorrows, our sorrows.
On November 28, 1957:
The torch which you hold in your hand is the replica of that of a great Crusader who lighted the torch of great understanding long, long ago. That torch is the very existence of humanity in the Armageddon of light and darkness which enshrouds your world today.
Michael Flagg
San Francisco, California, 1980
1 The names of the mediums and others who assisted the USB (as well as the names of USB spirit leaders, Intro:par 39) were omitted upon the request of Illumined Souls.
2 The “planetary life of dreams” is the phrase this guide of great spiritual advancement used to describe life on earth.
3 The need for truths to be restated in each new age is discussed in Topic 201:4–6.
Greetings from an Illumined Soul
Before Michael Flagg passed on to spirit life, he asked the preeminent USB spirit inspirer if he wished to write a foreword to this book, to which the inspirer replied that he would think about it. He never did dictate one, and we were unable to ask him again. Under the circumstances, as editor I have assembled the following greeting from this Blessed Inspirer’s addresses to humanity (Appendix A).
I greet you, and I look upon you, and I see my children, my sisters and brothers, each in your own fashion making your way unto the greater light of understanding, and each in your own way living your life in a fashion that you alone can live.
For each of you, in your own manner, serves your God. Each of you, in your own fashion, extends your hands and your heart to your fellow human beings. Each of you brings to your fellow traveller a bit of light as you alone can bring it, and as you alone can share it.
For each of you is personally making a way for not only yourself, but for those who travel with you. You are making the way a little lighter, and you are showing what can be done when one feels the glory of God within, and feels within that in order for that light to shine round and about, one must share some of that light with one’s fellow travellers.
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We come to develop the spirit, we come that we might inspire and give unto the earth world a great realization of the purpose of life, and what it can entail and what it can achieve when people approach all things from the spiritual aspect and desire only spiritual good for themselves and the world. For when people cast out all material condition, when they cast out fear, and put in its place that assurance within themselves that all is well because they are walking with the Great Spirit, then all these things shall come to pass, and each and every one shall be blessed.
Our [the USB] way of life is one that will teach you not to overlook the trials and tribulations that pass your way, but to accept them cheerfully and to renew your strength spiritually, and to realize and understand their purpose.
Our way of life will give you strength of character. Our way of life will plant the seed of service more deeply within your being. And our way of life will encourage you to extend your hands—both of them—in brotherly and sisterly love across the seven seas to all the children of earth…
So I would say to you: Let not one day go by without a kindly thought, expressed in your own fashion, for a fellow traveller.
Our lives are judged not by results alone, but by intent as well.
A life well lived is a life devoted not only to self-realization, but to service to one’s fellow human beings. And one cannot be of service to one’s fellow human beings without being of service to one’s God.
While we make our way, we are being served. And as we serve one the other, know that the blessedness that comes from such service shall bring to each of you that which is your soul’s desire.
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The need is now, and the need is great, for each of you in your own fashion to share your light with your fellow traveller; and to remember that as you do, so is added unto yourselves a still greater portion of what you are seeking…
We are sisters and brothers, and we shall continue to seek for what shall bring to the children of earth the peace that they are searching for. We shall continue to bring to those hungry souls [spiritual] food to satisfy their craving.
And there shall be a glow within each child of earth that shall shine brightly, that shall bring to those who walk in the shadows a light that shall better enable them to make their way along the path that leads to greater understanding.
Let your light so shine, that those who seek it shall absorb it! Let your heart so sing, that those who cross your path shall feel the joy that is yours!
There are those among you who have a great realization of our mission—to free the children of earth from the shackles that bind them, and to bring to them the truth of the brother-and-sisterhood of humankind in its fullest expression, encircling the globe, and at last bringing peace to the children of earth.
You, who are the custodians of this great truth, must be an example in your world, and each of you must give forth that light which will illumine the path of others. And know that spiritually each of you is given the banner of Truth! Walk upright! And let your voice be heard!
Realize that each of you is indeed linked… as brother and sister—[you] are indeed as brothers and sisters in spirit.
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I leave my blessings with each of you. And I pray that the God of your heart’s understanding shall grant unto each of you everything that is the soul’s desire.
An Offer and a Call
A group of Illumined Souls from the spirit realms of the highest spiritual attainment, including the greatest souls this earth has known, offer their help to all humanity.
They see so much suffering on earth, in so many ways; they observe that from time to time human activities have placed life on earth itself in serious danger.
They offer to help us:
• Sweep away many undesirable attitudes and behaviors of earlier times;
• Break down barriers between people;
• See and know and recognize the power of God, and of God’s love for us;
• Find a peace and joy in things of the spirit;
• Bring peace and harmony to our world.
They say that in order to bring these things about, humanity needs to live in accord with God’s perfect spiritual laws, and so reflect God’s love and universal spiritual values.
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They offer to advise us how to bring this about.
They bring us assurance and the knowledge we need, in this book.
But it is up to us to do it.
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These Illumined Souls call on all interested people to join them in their movement, The Universal Spiritual Brother&Sisterhood, to help organize and carry out this very important spiritual work for all humanity. They say (Spiritual Light, Appendix A):
• We need helpers, those who are humble in spirit, to join us in our commitment, to serve humanity, as instruments of God;
• We would like to instill more love of God into your hearts and minds;
• You need not accept every one of our teachings to join with us, and you need not give up other affiliations and/or beliefs you hold;
• We want us together to make this movement strong and powerful, for good in the world;
• Remember the truths of the great souls of the past; remember what they have sacrificed and done; try therefore to be like them.